Zonta Club of Lenawee is a service organization of community leaders and volunteers working together to advance the status of women in Lenawee County and around the world. We engage in numerous service projects annually that support this mission.
Zonta International
Founded in New York in 1919 by Marian deForest, the Zonta Club of Lenawee was founded in 1959 and ranks among the largest Zonta Clubs in the world.
The Zonta Name
Derived from Lakota Sioux, Zonta means honest and trustworthy and symbolizes the combined qualities of honesty, trust, inspiration, and the ability to work together for world service and understanding.
The Yellow Rose
In the more than 90 years since its first international service project was funded, ZI has contributed nearly US$15.5 million to projects benefiting women in 37 countries.